Active vs. Passive:
Old Wine in New Wine Skins
Eric Sorensen, Ph.D.
Nicholas Alonso, CFA
Sebastian Lancetti, CFA
Daniel Belanger, CFA
August 2021
Active portfolio management is one of few professions
for which worth is defined by a single phrase: risk-
adjusted excess return. "Active" in professional equity
investing does not mean merely ex-ante hard work
against heady competition.
Active also means that ex-
post victory is expected and demands measurement.
In this paper, we perform an empirical examination of
a dominant, decades-old victory metric: the
capitalization-weighted index portfolio. We model the
cycles of index dominance (inferiority) compared to
alternative portfolios that differ by non-cap weighting
schemes and by simulated active stock picking skills.
We find that macroeconomic influences through
monetary expansion/contraction and market interest
rates correlate closely with the concentration of large
constituents within the index. These cycles of
concentration have major implications for the debate
about active versus passive equity investing. One
conclusion is that correct investor decisions to move
into (or out of) benchmark alternatives to the cap-
weighted benchmark are largely conditional on macro
influences. Moving to (from) passive should be an
active decision. Moreover, currently the current
environment favors the choice of moving away from
cap-weighted passive to alternatives.
Concentration Cycles
Critical to this paper is the notion of concentration.
Index concentration is the magnitude that a specific
few number of constituents have on the index return.
During the recent 20172020 period, passive
benchmark indexing appears to be a winner. During
these years, the five largest cap stocks in the S&P
accounted for 25% of the index.
By contrast, in 2016,
the influence of the largest five stocks contributed only
10% of the index return, which is more comparable to
historical levels. Exhibit 1 graphs a history of S&P 500
Index's five largest stocks' market cap as a percentage
of the total index market cap, plus a measure of the
Herfindahl Index.
Given the rise in indexing and the
extreme concentration of “the market, some in the
press have recently characterized the market
environment with provocative titles: "Could Index
Funds Be ‘Worse than Marxism'?(Lowrey, 2021) and
"Wall Street Rebels Warn of ‘Disastrous' $11 Trillion
Index Boom'" (Lee and Peterseil, 2021).
Competitive success in the money management business in reality
depends on deliverables beyond return performance, such as client
service, corporate structure, and the like.
These five stocks were: Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Microsoft (NASDAQ:
and Facebook (NASDAQ:FB).
The Herfindahl Index was introduced by economist Orris C. Herfindahl.
It measures the market concentration of each firm in an industry. It has
been applied often across industries to measure organizational and
participant profiles.
Exhibit 1: S&P 500 Index Measures of Concentration Over Time
Source: PanAgora. Past performance does not guarantee future results. For illustrative purposes only. An explanation of the Herfindahl Measure can be
found in the third footnote.
We can see in Exhibit 1 that the index was characterized
by an increasingly narrow set of securities in the runup
to the dot-com ebullience around 2000. This was
followed by a general dissipation of index crowding
that was interrupted by brief escalations in 2007 and
2012. It is intuitive (if not tautological) that an
increasingly narrow set of stocks driving the index is
likely problematic for active investing, which often
deploys portfolio weighing approaches to 'bet against'
the index constituents and/or index weights.
Why the Passive Index
Prior to the 1970s, there was a dearth of formal theory
and metrics in the study of financial markets.
beginning in the late 1960s, financial economists and
academicians introduced significant advancements
that modernized the world of asset management,
much like scientists’ contributions have improved the
quality of their respective disciplines, be it medicine,
communication, digital technology, or travel.
Condensing, we would summarize this rich academic legacy:
1. You should earn returns consistent with risk taken, i.e., asset pricing
2. You should earn no more than expected returns, i.e., asset pricing
In the early days (pre-1970s) of professional
management, the measures of victory were elusive. For
example, “stock managers would sometimes own
assets that were very different from common stock,
such as cash, bonds, and gold. Using a term of recent
times, all investing could be “alternative. Relative
performance was hard to pin down. Indeed, all
strategies were some sort of "alternative."
Specifically relevant to professional money
management of equities, the early pricing research was
descriptive. The work of Treynor, Sharpe, Lintner, and
Mossin gave rise to the Capital Asset Pricing Model
(CAPM), which describes the way the world of return
and risk should look (linear, in fact). Then, almost-
overnight, description became normative. MacKenzie
(2006) provides an excellent social science perspective
of this change in purpose: how a camera became an
engine. Descriptive morphed into normative. The
market of common stocks had to make room for a new
entrant that was biased toward large capthe
"aggregate market." The market as measured by a
market capitalizationweighted index gradually
3. But, should you beat the historic long-run 9.3% Lorie and Fisher
finding, it must be an anomaly, i.e., asset pricing behavior;
4. You should use modern techniques to model future price behavior,
i.e., asset pricing econometrics (Quant).
Herfindahl Measure
Weight in Top 5 Stocks of
S&P 500 Index (%)
Weight in Top 5 Stocks in S&P 500 Herfindahl Measure
became the metric for assessing victory of alternative
and/or active processes for professional equity
The Crowd Gets Larger
There is extensive literature on the wisdom of crowds,
dating back 250 years with Condorset.
Much of this
work centers on probabilities of accuracy as the
number of active participants increases versus an
individual opinion or guess. On average, when
uncertainty increases and participants increase, crowd
wisdom dominates individuals. This work is largely
modeled in a “single period” framework. For example,
Condorset applies his theory to the work of a jury in
which decision makers have a single vote at a specific
Literature on the stock market also invokes the concept
of a crowd or crowding, beginning in 1841 with Charles
Mackay's "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the
Madness of Crowds”. Mackay’s writing was not
mathematical but rather a somewhat entertaining
story telling of crowding (bubble) episodes in the
markets. As opposed to the early Condorset-like
crowding literature, his notions were figuratively
framed in a “multi-period” setting. One hundred- and
thirty-years post-Mackay, the professional
academicians referenced above formalized the model
of markets and, specifically, the centricity of the crowd
"the market model."
Index concentration correlates with crowding. What
are the aggregate investor actions that produce
See Marquis de Condorcet (1785). Essai sur l'application de l'analyse à
la probabilité des décisions rendues à la pluralité des voix (PNG) (in
French). Retrieved 2008-03-10; Landemore, Hélène (2012). "Collective
WisdomOld and New" (PDF). In Landemore, Hélène; Elster, Jon
(eds.). Collective wisdom: principles and mechanisms. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107010338. OCLC 752249923
Consider a simple economy with two equity portfolios of equal AUM and
100 stocks. One portfolio is concentrated, with the top 10 names
accounting for half the wealth, say 50 pesos. The other half (50 pesos) is
equally allocated to the remaining 90 names. For example, it is a 100-
peso portfolio with 5 pesos in each of the top 10 names and .56 pesos in
crowding into larger names? We can easily envision
two types of active decisions contributing to the most
recent escalation of concentration in the market. One
typifies a macro manager actively moving tactically and
expeditiously into the stock market exposure as
monetary liquidity increases. For example, macro-
oriented hedge funds and tactical allocators forecasting
monetary ease will rebalance allocations that create
momentum in liquid large cap names and/or industries.
Others follow. Momentum begets momentum. This
represents an “index momentum trade.
A second active decision is a fiduciary firing an active
portfolio manager and reallocating to the cap weight
passive index. The cycle of concentration will not arise
simply by cash assets going into index funds, per se.
However, concentration will increase, ceteris paribus, if
in aggregate funds come out of active portfolios and go
passive. Effectively, the active aggregate market is
funding increased percentage demand for large index
names by increasing supply (selling) of other names.
The simple Illustration in footnote 6 is stylistic by
design. Its message becomes real, however, when we
consider the degree that such bulk of actively managed
portfolios (approximating equal weightings) were
moved to passive over the last several years at an
accelerated pace.
We will demonstrate in the next section that monetary
ease begets concentration. The dynamics of
concentration attracts a crowd. Active large cap stock
allocators and others reallocating equity to passive
feed on themselves. Metaphorically, the decisions to go
large and the decisions to go “passive” represent a
each of the remaining 90. The second portfolio of 100- peso AUM is equal
weighted, 1 peso each. Thus, the aggregate market has 10 stocks with
market cap of 6 pesos and 90 with cap of 1.56. The largest 10 stocks are
30% of the aggregate market. Now suppose that forces motivate
liquidation (rebalancing) of the second portfolio into the weighting
scheme of the first. The resulting aggregate market remains 200 pesos.
Ten stocks now have aggregate cap of 5 + 50 /10, or 10 pesos. The other
90 have 1.116 pesos cap. Prior to the trade, the top 10 aggregate
comprises 30% of the market. After the trade, It comprises 50%. That’s
an increase in concentration.
symbiotic relationship between those who actively
time the large index names and those who actively
allocate to them via moving to the passive cap-
weighted index. This was the most powerful dynamic
catalyst of increased concentration in the 20162020
period, when trillions of dollars moved across the
border from traditional differentiation in management
to the "group think" of the crowd mentality.
Various Alternatives vs. Passive
The basic CAPM presumes that corporate valuations
are fairly (correctly) assessed in equilibrium. The price
is right, so to speak, meaning that a company's market
capitalization is dynamically moved to equilibrium by
forces of supply and demand. Myriad investors who
may or may not bear costs for implementing portfolios
and who may or may not possess homogeneous
expectations create these dynamics.
Researchers have taken various approaches to
examining active alternatives. These substitutes center
on any number of systematic approaches, such as
skilled stock picking, factor exposures in “smart beta”
weighting alternatives, and so on. With regard to skill,
Grinold and Kahn (2000) model the importance of
superior skill vis-à-vis the breadth of choices. Their
work is a widely accepted framework, the
"fundamental law of active management. Researchers
have conducted empirical tests to validate this
framework. For example, Sorensen and Miller (1998)
analyze the performance associated with various
degrees of skill in various equity styles for the 1985
1997 period. Here, skill is defined as hypothetically
having some positive forecasting ability to discern
future winners from losers. Interestingly, they find (like
others) that a modest amount of stock picking skill goes
Again, those titles referenced earlier: "Could Index Funds Be ‘Worse
Than Marxism'?” (Lowrey, 2021) and "Wall Street Rebels Warn of
‘Disastrous' $11 Trillion Index Boom" (Lee and Peterseil, 2021).
a long way and that the optimal amount of allocation
to indexing declines as skill increases.
Researchers have tested imposing factor exposures in
lieu of superior forecasting skill. Most notably, the
strategy now known as low vol emerged from the
pioneering work of Haugen and Baker (1991,1996).
Portfolios tilted away from the index in favor of lower
volatility stocks have higher than index risk-adjusted
In another direction, researchers have studied
alternative weighting schemes for the same
constituents in the S&P 500. For example, an equal
weighting (EW) of the S&P names may at times be
superior to the cap-weighted (CW) choice. S&P has
produced an EW version of the index for decades. In
recent years, practitioners have implemented a variety
of so-called smart beta portfolios that deviate from CW.
One example of a recent type of alternative weighting
is risk weighting (RW). This approach weights each
stock so that it has parity in the contribution to
portfolio risk. Qian (2005, 2006) first introduced the
term “risk parity” in research devoted to alternative
multi-asset allocation applications. There is now
considerable empirical evidence that multi-asset risk
parity applications offer return distributions that are
superior to traditional allocation schemes. However,
there are many approaches to estimating and
implementing risk weights in actual portfolios.
Once specific approach was used by Sorensen and
Alonso (2015) to study the choice of the S&P 500
(market-cap-weighted) in contrast to an RW portfolio
of the same stocks over time. They find that risk
weighting provides a superior wealth creation profile
over almost all reasonable holding periods of 5 years
and beyond. During the period between January 1995
and April 2014, RW is dominant for 75% of the historical
periods over any two-year horizon and is dominant in
all cases over six-year horizons. They then go on to test
for conditionality. RW achieves dominance over
capitalization-weighted indices over shorter horizons
during periods of higher market volatility, periods of
higher inflation, and periods with steep yield curves.
Conditionality Counts
Our objective is to expand the conditionality tests
surrounding the CW comparisons with alternatives
such as EW, RW, and simulated skill portfolios.
Regardless of the chosen comparative technique, is the
CW benchmark relative to performance dependent on
dynamic forces as they cycle over time? That is, do
alternative beta processes, stock picking skill, and the
like suffer (or excel) depending on specific
macroeconomic environments? What causes the
benchmark dominance versus deficiency to vary? We
begin with a closer look at the CW dominance as a
function of the cycle of concentration. We highlight the
close association between index concentration and
monetary cycles.
Monetary Conditions
Monetary expansion is often found to be causal in
economic cycles. The direct relationship between
monetary expansion and contraction with real
economic activity is well documented. Similarly, the
interplay between monetary aggregates and stock
market moves has also intrigued researchers. Sorensen
(1982) finds that, based on the rational expectations
theory, the unanticipated component of monetary
activity has a significantly positive relationship with
returns in the broad market.
See the references in Sorensen (1982) for the pioneering studies of
money supply and the stock market.
The knife cuts both ways. Liquidity events also drain the larger stocks
relatively. For example, on October 19, 1987, when the US market fell
The unprecedented monetary expansion in the US over
the last two decades is a positive for overall market
Just as excessive monetary policy can create inflation in
goods and services, it can also create excess demand
for risky financial assets (namely stocks). It now
appears that this monetary liquidity, as opposed to
creating inflation in real goods and services, has
created financial asset inflation.
Here we are primarily interested in the "way" in which
aggressive monetary activity impacts markets, namely
a disproportionate demand for equities in general, and
large index names in particular. Above, we discussed
the two types of active decisions leading to crowding.
One of these is when active market timers buy large
names. Our hypothesis holds that the abnormal
inducement of monetary liquidity motivates flow into
stocks. That flow is quickly and easily implemented into
buying the index itself through use of futures on the
S&P 500 index, index ETFs, and the like. This flow lifts
the overall market. Larger names offer the capacity to
absorb excess risk-seeking liquidity induced by loose
monetary policy. This is because large cap names, by
definition, would have a greater impact on the index
when their prices change. The anticipation of
expansion and contraction of money flow creates a
momentum index trade” opportunity for
macroeconomically oriented investors.
The second
type of active decision occurs during periods of rising
concentration. Fiduciaries may see to active to passive
index allocations as superior and fund these allocations
with the termination of active managers.
We use the monetary aggregate M2 to relate system
liquidity to index concentration. In theory, normalized
monetary aggregate growth created by the Federal
more than 20%, small and mid-size stocks did not move much due to a
perceived lack of liquidity. Again, cap-weighted indexes are more volatile
during both “meltdowns” and "melt-ups.
Reserve Board should correlate with economic growth.
However, when we measure M2 growth in real terms
(adjusted for CPI inflation), we have a measure of
abnormal monetary growth. Exhibit 2 graphs the year-
over-year growth rate in M2 deflated by the
contemporaneous CPI level. The exhibit overlays this
on our Exhibit 1 graph of S&P concentration.
Graphically, there appears to be a strong positive
relationship between M2 growth rates and index
concentration. Indeed, a linear correlation analysis of
M2 and concentration reveals a correlation coefficient
of .68, with a t-statistic of 18.
Exhibit 2: Monetary Liquidity and Concentration
Source: PanAgora, FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( Time period: June 1990 - March 2021. For illustrative purposes only.
Interest Rate Conditions
We also posit a relationship between long-term Treasury rates and concentration in the large cap stock constituents.
Equities have a duration component, which varies greatly from stock to stock.
Large cap stocks are typically longer in duration in a bond sense. Sorensen and Gould (1986) observe that companies
with more predictable and stable earnings growth rates react more predictably as the yield curve shifts. In addition,
Liebowitz and Sorensen (1989) argue that companies with stronger franchise earnings are better able to sustain profit
margins as inflation-induced rates shift the yield curve upward. In both instances, we expect that large cap companies
are priced more precisely as rates vary, with PE ratios rising (falling) as long rates are falling (rising).
As shown in Appendix A, we present the multiple regression results using our M2 measure (described above) and a 10-
year Treasury rate variable as explanatory variables for S&P concentration measured with the Herfindahl index. The
Treasury rate is the monthly change in the 10-year rate. This measure of long rates serves to link current rate
information month by month as opposed to the yearly moving change in monetary liquidity. The summary tables show
an absence of multicollinearity and significant t-statistics for the independent variables. Both variables have the
expected signs, with monetary expansion directly related to concentration of the index and long rate moves indirectly
See Sorensen and Gould (1986) for an early discussion of equity
duration. In addition, see Liebowitz and Sorensen (1989).
related. The explanatory power is high, with an statistic of 47%. The dominant variable is M2 expansion and
For a graphic illustration, Exhibits 3 and 4 highlight the interplay between index concentration with monetary liquidity
and long-term rates, respectively. In Exhibit 3, we chart the quarterly change in real M2 by decile and view
commensurate level of the concentration index. As the level of monetary expansion rises, so does the Herfindahl
concentration. Interestingly, Exhibit 4 shows that the negative interplay between long rates represented by the 10-year
Treasury rate is rather nonlinear. (In the regression this is suspected with a lower t-statistic.) The major sensitivity with
rates and concentration is in the decile of more extreme rate declines. This is perhaps where the duration of large stocks
is most dramatically expressed. Large rate declines boost the valuation of the large stocks to extremes in bond market
Exhibit 3: Herfindahl vs. Real M2 Money Supply Exhibit 4: Herfindahl vs. Change in Long-Term Treasury
Source: PanAgora, FRED®, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ( For illustrative purposes only. The horizontal axis on both charts
represents the decile groupings of each measure. Deciles were computed in ascending order. Time period: June 1990-March 2021, quarterly observations.
Historical Phases of Concentration and Weighting Strategies
Exhibit 5 below shows the history of the Herfindahl for the S&P 500 partitioned by three phases. One phase is steadily
rising concentration of reasonable duration (blue). These were most dramatic going into the dot-com peak and the
2016-2020 mega cap leadership. These phases are followed by steadily declining concentration (orange). A third period
Is relatively sideways/flat (with some volatility, shown in green) between 2007 and 2016 (and 1990 to 1994).
Exhibit 5: Phases of Concentration
Source: PanAgora. For illustrative purposes only.
We would expect periods of methodically rising (falling) concentration shown here to benefit (hamper) capitalization
weighted strategies versus alternative weighting strategies. This expectation is borne out in Exhibit 6. The Exhibit
presents the annualized returns for CW, EW, and RW for each of the six partitions (two rising concentration, two falling,
and two more or less flat with a bit of a downward bias). The periods of rising concentration have significantly higher
monthly returns for CW, and the periods of declining concentration have significantly lower returns for CW. The 10-
year period of July 2006-June 2016 (absent a persistent rising or falling Herfindahl measure) has a slightly higher return
profile for EW and RW, with approximately a 2% annualized edge over CW.
Exhibit 6: Annualized Returns vs. Concentration Regimes (S&P 500, Equally Weighted, and Risk Weighted)
Source: PanAgora. Annualized returns are computed for periods longer than a year in each phase, as shown in the table. Past performance does not
guarantee future results. *The Risk Weighted backtest starts in 1995 as a result of data availability., hence the backtest did not have returns available in
the "Flat 1st Phase" segment.
S&P 500 Index
(Market Cap Weighted)
Market Cap
Weighted less
Equally- Weighted
(t- stat)
Market Cap
Weighted less Risk
(t- stat)
(1990/ 04 - 1994/ 07) (0.95)
Increasing 1st Phase 23.64 17.54 16.79 5.00 5.54
(1994/ 08 - 2000/ 06) 2.06 2.12
Decreasing 1st Phase - 0.40 9.95 10.50 - 9.98 - 9.94
(2000/ 7 - 2006/ 06) (4.27) (4.17)
Flat 2nd Phase 7.41 8.84 9.74 - 1.91 - 2.11
(2006/ 07 - 2016/ 06) (1.20) (2.00)
Increasing 2nd Phase 15.47 10.18 8.31 4.27 6.46
(2016/ 07 - 2020/ 08) 1.94 3.30
Decreasing 2nd Phase 26.03 55.32 41.87 - 19.92 - 11.44
2020/ 09 - 2021/ 03 (3.52) (2.73)
Simulating Active Stock Selection with Skill
The results above suggest that the relative performance of alternative weighting methodologies is highly dependent on
the cycle. What about alternative selection methodologies? In other work, we demonstrate that selection of small cap
stocks versus large cap stocks is cycle dependentsee Sorensen, Mezrich, and Miller (1998) and Sorensen and Lancetti
(2020). Whereas these small cap versus large cap studies highlight results that can potentially assist active asset class
decisions, our focus here is active stock selection versus passive cap weighting within the large cap universe.
Researchers have studied this in the past using simulations that superimpose a measure of stock picking skill in the
portfolio process.
In a similar spirit, we seek to study simulated portfolio experiments in contrast to passive (i.e., CW) investing by 1)
applying a positive skill quotient and 2) conditioning on the index concentration cycles studied above. Skill is simply the
ability to, ex ante, identify and hold winners over some future period. The overall data period is mid-1990 to mid-2021
represented by quarterly returns for the S&P 500 constituents. Our process of creating simulated portfolios first designs
stock selection processes that have either zero-stock picking skill or some positive amount of skill. Then we form
optimized portfolios each quarter. Each quarter in the experiment aggregates the performance characteristics of
hundreds of simulations. Critical to the experiment are 1) how we impose a variable skill quotient and 2) how we
optimally weight the selected holdings in each simulated portfolio.
First, imagine that a manager picks among the S&P 500 stocks at random. Each stock is assigned a random probability
that generates a "naïve" set. It is like drawing out of a bag with a blindfold on, with the holdings having random
probabilities of being chosen. Then, to simulate a degree of skill, the random probabilities are altered so that the
probability of a stock being selected correlates with the future return. A perfect clairvoyant process enables all the
draws to be clear choices of the best-performing stocks. This is perfect foresight knowledge of the ex-post one quarter’s
return on each stock. We use a metric analogous to “correlation” that allows the draws to vary from zero knowledge
(zero correlation) and perfect foresight (correlation of 1). With a correlation of 0, there is no skill. A correlation of .05
renders a small positive bias of selections coming from a perfect knowledge procedure.
Second, the manager constructs the portfolio with realistic risk controls. The risk constraints are those from typical
active versus CW benchmark criteria. An optimization controls the overall portfolio parameters to not exceed an
estimated tracking error of 5%. In addition, positive or negative active weights per stock are not to exceed 2%. These
weighting controls typically produced simulated holdings in the range of 50 to 100 stocks.
Exhibit 7 shows the percentage of winning (beating CW) on average quarterly as we increase the skill quotient. For
example, a skill quotient of 1.5% correlation is sufficiently strong to insure that of the thousands of quarterly portfolios,
64% are outperforming over the quarters in the entire sample period. The zero-skill simulations reveal an aggregate
winning percentage of 56%. Even with no skill, the disciplined portfolio construction used here adds value over time,
on average.
Exhibit 8 presents the return characteristics of the simulated portfolios over the entire sample period. As with winning
percentage, the zero-skill simulations render a slightly higher annualized return than the S&P (12.10% versus 10.56%),
See Sorensen and Miller (1998).
with only slightly higher risk. The higher return-to-risk ratio over longer horizons is consistent with the Sorensen and
Alonso (2015) finding that the longer the holding period, the better the advantage for non-cap weighted versus cap
weighted portfolios due to the larger drawdowns of the latter. Further from Exhibit 8, as expected when we increase
the correlation skill quotient above zero, the mean return- and reward-to-risk metrics improve. For example, given a
1.5% skill quotient, the simulated annualized return across hundreds of runs is 14.21%.
Exhibit 7: Simulation Win Percentages
Source: PanAgora. Values are the arithmetic average of the win percentage of simulation portfolios on a quarterly basis from June 1990 to March 2021.
Exhibit 8: Returns of Different Strategies (June 1990-March 2021)
Source: PanAgora. Returns are annualized. Time period is June 1990 - March 2021. Risk is defined as the annualized standard deviation of returns. Ratio is
the annualized return divided by the annualized standard deviation. Past performance does not guarantee future results. *The Risk Weighted backtest
starts in 1995 as a result of data availability.
As is the case with alternative weightings (EW and RW) above, the long-term skill-based averages of Exhibit 8
dramatically change when we partition the study on subperiods of rising, falling, and flat index concentration using the
Herfindahl Index. These subperiods are shown in Exhibits 9 through 11. For example, during periods of falling
concentrations, even zero skill has, on average, more than twice the return as the CW index. In contrast, during periods
of rising concentration, an increased skill degree of 1.5% does not outperform the CW index. During periods of declining
concentration, the 1.5% skill simulations deliver more than three times the return to the CW index.
Exhibit 10 is analogous to Exhibit 6 in showing annualized return differentials. The first two columns are identical (phase
and S&P returns). The next two columns show the annualized returns for skill quotients of zero and 1.5. We can see
that the relative performance differentials for skill in columns 5 and 6 confirm the idea that active management
performance is cycle-dependent. Exhibit 11 shows this graphically.
An examination of Exhibit 10 column by column shows the differential returns for rising and declining concentration,
which is driven a bit more by the CW performance than by the skill contributions. One conclusion is that, over time, the
risk-adjusted performance of active investing may be more a result of the cycle-dependent behavior of the index rather
than the skill quotient. We can also see this in the bar charts of Exhibit 11. Note that the alternative weighting (EW and
RW) on the left have more cycle-dependent variability than the skill-based bars. This confirms that the effects of cap
weighting on relative performance is likely a factor in the fortunes of active managersas is skill.
Simulated Portfolio
(0% Future Information)
Simulated Portfolio
(0.25% Future Information)
Simulated Portfolio
(1.0% Future Information)
Simulated Portfolio
(1.5% Future Information)
56% 57% 62% 64%
Simulation Quarterly Win Percentage vs. S&P 500 Index (June 1990 - March 2021)
June 1990 to
March 2021
S&P 500 Index Equally Weighted
Risk Weighted*
(starts in 1995)
(0% Future
(0.25% Future
(1.0% Future
(1.5% Future
Return (annualized) 10.56 12.08 10.11 12.10 12.47 13.58 14.21
Risk (annualized) 14.51 16.58 14.21 14.93 14.92 14.93 14.92
Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.71 0.81 0.84 0.91 0.95
Annualized Returns (%)
These results are very telling. Over the long haul, active skill stands to outperform passive CW, according to our work
here (and prior). However, during the two major historical periods of momentum-inducing rising monetary liquidity
that leads to index concentration, all bets may be off for active stock pickerseven those with reasonable skill. A bet
against cap weight is lethal even for the gifted in markets with escalating narrowness.
In sum, we have evidence that the more concentrated the index, the larger the impact on the active versus passive
debate. The momentum in large cap names associated with concentration adds fuel to the fire. The accelerating pace
of this "index momentum" phenomenon over the past few years clearly stretched valuations between large and small
companies, reaching a peak in the fall of 2020.
Exhibit 9: Table of Average Returns During Different Herfindahl Regimes
Source: PanAgora. For the time period of June 1990 to March 2021. Returns for phases longer than one year are annualized. Past performance does not
guarantee future results. *The Risk Weighted backtest starts in 1995 as a result of data availability, hence the backtest did not have returns available in the
"Flat 1st Phase" segment.
Exhibit 10: Annualized Returns vs. Concentration Regimes for Simulated Portfolios
Source: PanAgora. Annualized returns are computed for periods longer than a year in each phase, as shown in the table. Past performance does not guarantee
future results.
September 2020, we showed this graphically in Sorensen and Lancetti (2020). Small valuations relative to large cap had reached a point not seen since
Herfindahl Phases
S&P 500
Simulated Portfolio
(0% Future
Simulated Portfolio
(0.25% Future
Simulated Portfolio
(1.0% Future
Simulated Portfolio
(1.5% Future
Increasing Herfindahl 19.59 14.85 13.50 17.64 18.09 18.94 19.55
Decreasing Herfindahl 2.75 14.07 13.16 8.96 9.33 10.15 10.52
Flat Herfindahl 9.06 10.89 7.25 10.73 10.95 12.12 12.73
Flat 1st Phase (1990/ 04 - 1994/ 07) 10.48 12.28 -- 13.32 13.74 15.05 15.43
Increasing 1st Phase (1994/ 08 - 2000/ 06) 23.64 17.55 16.79 21.39 22.23 23.04 23.74
Decreasing 1st Phase (2000/ 07 - 2006/ 06) - 0.40 9.95 10.50 5.28 5.66 6.46 6.80
Flat 2nd Phase (2006/ 07 - 2016/ 06) 7.41 8.84 9.74 8.63 8.81 10.08 10.89
Increasing 2nd Phase (2016/ 07 - 2020/ 08) 15.47 10.18 8.31 12.99 13.12 14.36 15.12
Decreasing 2nd Phase (2020/ 09 - 2021/ 03) 26.03 55.32 41.87 42.52 43.22 45.07 46.10
Annualized Returns (%)
Breakdown of Herfindahl Phases
S&P 500 Index
(Market Cap Weighted)
(0% Future
(1.5% Future
Market Cap
Weighted less Sim.
Portfolio (0%)
(t- stat)
Market Cap
Weighted less Sim.
Portfolio (1.5%)
(t- stat)
Flat 1st Phase 10.48 13.32 15.43 - 2.66 - 4.47
(1990/ 04 - 1994/ 07) (2.24) (3.90)
Increasing 1st Phase 23.64 21.39 23.74 1.89 - 0.06
(1994/ 08 - 2000/ 06) 1.34 (0.00)
Decreasing 1st Phase - 0.40 5.28 6.80 - 5.46 - 6.83
(2000/ 7 - 2006/ 06) (5.39) (6.76)
Flat 2nd Phase 7.41 8.63 10.89 - 1.27 - 3.28
(2006/ 07 - 2016/ 06) (1.62) (4.25)
Increasing 2nd Phase 15.47 12.99 15.12 1.96 0.07
(2016/ 07 - 2020/ 08) 1.44 0.08
Decreasing 2nd Phase 26.03 42.52 46.10 - 11.99 - 14.38
2020/ 09 - 2021/ 03 (4.65) (4.31)
Exhibit 11: Relative Returns of Strategies vs. S&P 500 Index
Source: PanAgora. Time period is June 1990 - March 2021. Each bar represents the active annualized return of the strategy vs. the S&P 500 index during
each Herfindahl phase. Returns for phases longer than one year are annualized. *The Risk Weighted backtest starts in 1995 as a result of data availability.
Corroboration from Real Portfolios Using eVestment Data
The simulation results seem to capture the real-world experience of active managers. In Exhibit 12 below, we present
a comparison between active returns for all U.S. large cap active portfolios using eVestment data and our simulations.
Using quarterly data, we can see that the correlation between the percentage of simulated portfolios winning and the
percentage of active managers beating their benchmarks is positive and statistically significant. This is particularly true
at the extreme periods of positive simulated returns. During the periods of top decile simulated relative returns, 65%
of active large cap managers beat their benchmarks.
Exhibit 12: Simulated Portfolios vs. eVestment Active Returns
Decile of
Simulated Portfolio
Win Percentage
Average Win
Average Win
Active Manager
1 12.2% 41.9%
2 24.1% 46.8%
3 33.7% 51.4%
4 40.6% 48.3%
5 50.4% 47.2%
6 63.5% 47.7%
7 72.5% 57.1%
8 79.2% 55.8%
9 89.1% 49.6%
10 96.8% 64.7%
Source: PanAgora, eVestment. eVestment methodology: Investment universe as specified in eVestment is the “U.S. Large Cap Core Universe.Returns were
computed on a quarterly basis from January 1990 March 2021. The percentage of managers who beat their benchmarks was determined by dividing the
number of managers with a positive excess return on their preferred benchmarks by the total number of managers in the universe (quarterly frequency).
We believe that our work here brings insight into the age-old debate of active versus passive management of
institutional equity portfolios. On the one hand, we have identified a strong correlation between monetary regimes
and benchmark index concentration that drives (or deprives) dominance of the price-weighted behemoth performance.
We have identified cyclical effects of cap-weighted portfolios through the transmission of monetary action affecting
market concentration, for good and bad. On the other hand, we have not explicitly directly correlated econometrically
the return spread between active and passive. We have done such in earlier work of small cap and large cap returns, in
Sorensen and Lancetti (2020). Earlier work indicates that active versus passive relates to 1) the slope of the yield curve;
2) long-term interest rates; and 3) market volatility.
Simulated skill-based results conditioned on the phase of the cycle of concentration are consistent with our
expectations. Skill and alternative weighting approaches win over time and during phases of the cycle. Skill, or lack of
it, is one driver of benchmark relative performance. Actively motivated flow into large stocks and cap-weighted indices
leading to concentration is another. When critiques of active management surface, we suspect the latter is dominating
the former.
Our findings here should present useful guidance for the timing of going passive by fiduciaries. Given the current
trend of a fall-off in concentration, which could last for years due to less aggressive monetary liquidity and rising long-
rates, current moves into passive may be ill-timed. Moreover, historical evidence suggests that a concentration peak
leads to years of concentration dissipation and the potential dominance for all kinds of alternative strategies. The last
episode like this lasted 10 years and generated value-added opportunities for myriad active strategies.
See Sorensen and Alonso (2015).
Appendix A:
Description Statistics:
Correlation Matrix:
Herfindahl Regression - Goodness of Fit Statistics:
Herfindahl Regression - Analysis of Variance:
Variable Observations Minimum Maximum Mean Standard Deviation
Herfindahl 377 0.006 0.016 0.008 0.002
Real M2 Money Supply (Yearly change) 377 -2.8% 24.9% 3.6% 4.4%
10-year Treasury Rate (Monthly change) 377 -42.0% 27.8% -0.2% 6.8%
Real M2 Money Supply
(Yearly change)
10-year Treasury Rate
(Monthly change)
Real M2 Money Supply
(Yearly change)
1 0.144 0.682
10-year Treasury Rate
(Monthly change)
0.144 1 0.027
Herfindahl 0.682 0.027 1
Observations Sum of weights DF Adjusted R² MSE RMSE MAPE DW Cp AIC SBC PC
377 377 374 0.47 0.467 0 0.001 10.837 0.114 3 -5102.054 -5090.257 0.538
Source Degress of Freedom Sum of squares Mean squares F-Statistic Pr > F
Model 2 0 0 165.836 <0.0001
Error 374 0 0
Corrected Total 376 0.001
Computed against model Y=Mean(Y)
Herfindahl Regression - Model Parameters:
Source Value Standard error T-Statistic Pr > |t|
bound (95%)
Upper bound
Intercept 0.007 0 95.143 <0.0001 0.007 0.007
Real M2 Money Supply
(Yearly change)
0.025 0.001 18.198 <0.0001 0.022 0.027
10-year Treasury Rate
(Monthly change)
-0.002 0.001 -1.899 0.058 -0.003 0
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eVestment: eVestment collects information directly from investment management firms and other sources believed to be reliable. eVestment does
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Hypothetical (Simulated) Performance: The hypothetical performance included in this report does not represent the performance of actual client
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Historical or Simulated performance presented herein is purely theoretical and involves the application of PanAgora quantitative strategies to
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Index Disclosures
The "S&P GSCI" is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global, or its affiliates (“SPDJI”) and has been licensed for use by
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Copyright © 2021 PanAgora Asset Management, Inc.