Magazine & Journal Article Citation Examples for APA 7th Ed.
All entries on a References page should be double-spaced. To save room, our examples have not been double-spaced.
Examples of journal articles begin on page 3.
Magazine article, in print, monthly publication, single page
Dunn, J. (2020, October). Long may she reign. Vanity Fair
, 62
(9), 32.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume
(issue #
if available), pages. 
Magazine article, in print, weekly publication, consecutive pages, no DOI
Ducharme, J. (2020, January 27). When it comes to some medical treatment, researchers find
less is more. Time
, 195
(2), 42-45.
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume
(issue # if available), pages. 
(For articles found in print magazines and databases, include the digital object identifier, or DOI, at the very end of
the citation, when one is provided. There was no DOI for this example. See the example below of a journal article
with a DOI.)
Magazine article, online
Blakemore, E. (2020, Summer). The dolls that changed the world. Popular Science, 292
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of Magazine, Volume
(issue # if available), pages. Article URL
(When available, use the URL that leads directly to the article instead of using the URL that leads to the periodical.)
APA Citation Examples (
Magazine article, no author, in a library database
The science of decision making and peer pressure.
(2016, February 8). New York Times Upfront,
Title of article. (Publication date). Title of Magazine, Volume #
(issue #
if available), pages. 
(If there is no author, begin with the article title followed by the date. When you find a source in a library database,
APA states that you do not need to include the database name or URL.)
Magazine article comment, anonymous author, in print, bimonthly publication
Anonymous. (2016, March/April). Don’t forget to stop at Oregon’s newest state park,
Cottonwood Canyon. It is beautiful and not far from Wasco [Comment on the article
“Road reconsidered: Highway 97”]. 1859 Oregon’s Magazine
Commenter's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial or Username. (Comment date). Title of comment or up to first
20 words of comment exactly as written [Comment on the article “Title of magazine article”]. Title of
(Because the comment was signed Anonymous, use Anonymous in the Author field. When there is no author listed,
leave the field blank like in the example above. With Citation Maker, you can only include one month in the Date
field. For a bimonthly periodical, create your citation using the first month. After you save the citation to your
reference list, add a slash followed by the second month.)
Magazine article comment, online
DCH. (2020, June 20). About 85% of the stars in the Milky Way are Red Dwarfs unsuitable for
an Earth-like planet. Another 10-12% [Comment on the article “The Milky Way could
have dozens of alien civilizations capable of contacting us”]. Popular Science
Commenter's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial or Username. (Comment date). Title of comment or up to first
20 words of comment exactly as written [Comment on the article “Title of magazine article”]. Title of
. URL
(Since the commenter did not indicate his or her real name, only their username is listed in the Author field.)
APA Citation Examples (
Magazine article, film review, online, no volume or issue number, no page numbers
Glieberman, O. (2018, December 12). Emily Blunt is practically perfect in every way in a 'Mary
Poppins' sequel that uncannily recreates the original's wholesome studio-system vibe.
[Review of the film Mary Poppins returns,
by R. Marshall, Dir.]. Variety
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date). Title of article [Review of the film Film title,
Director's First Initial. Middle Initial. Director's Last name, Dir.]. Title of Magazine
, Volume # if
(issue # if available),
pages if available. URL
(To cite a film review published in a periodical, use Citation Maker to create a citation for the periodical article.
After you save the citation to your reference list, add the information about the film review in brackets. Follow the
same format for a review of a book, television episode, music album, etc.)
[Review of the book Book title
, by A. A. Author].
[Review of the book Book title
, by E. E. Editor, Ed.].
[Review of the TV series episode “Episode title,” by W. W. Writer, Writer, & D. D. Director, Dir.]
[Review of the album Album title
, by S. S. Singer]
Journal article, four authors, in print, consecutive pages
Noland, H., Price, J. H., Dake, J., & Telljohann, S. K. (2009). Adolescents' sleep behaviors and
perceptions of sleep. Journal of School Health, 79
(5), 224-230.
Author1's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Author2’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. Author3’s Last
Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Author4’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial (Publication year).
Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume #
(issue # if available), pages. 
(For journal articles, only include the year of publication and not the full date.)
Journal article, four authors, online, article number, DOI
Wijeyakulasuriya, D. A, Eisenhauer, E. W., Shaby, B. A., & Hanks, E. M. (2020). Machine
learning for modeling animal movement. PLoS ONE,
(7), Article e0235750.
Author1's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Author2’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. Author3’s Last
Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., & Author4’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication year).
Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume #
(issue #
if available), Article # if available. Article DOI if
(When available, use the article number -- also called eLocator -- instead of page numbers. For online sources, use
the DOI instead of the URL, when a DOI is provided.)
APA Citation Examples (
Journal article, individuals and organization as author, online, DOI
De Vries, R., Nieuwenhujze, M., Buitendijk, S. E. & the members of Midwifery Science Work
Group. (2013). What does it take to have a strong and independent profession of
midwifery? Lessons from the Netherlands. Midwifery
, 29(10), 1122-1128.
Author1's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Author2’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Author3’s Last
Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. & Organization Name. (Publication year). Title of article. Title of
Journal, Volume #
(issue #
if available), pages if available. Article DOI if available
(In Citation Maker, enter the organization in the last name field when there is both an individual/s and an
organization/s as author. In this example, there should not be a comma before the & because the text that follows it
is not in reverse order. After you save the citation to your reference list, remove that comma.)
Journal article, three authors, in a library database, DOI
Hubbard, R. E., Andrew, M. K., & Rockwood, K. (2009). Effect of parental age at birth on
accumulation of deficits, frailty and survival in older adults. Age and Ageing
, 38
Author1's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial., Author2’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. & Author3’s
Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume #
# if available),
pages if available. Article DOI if available
(When you find a source in a library database, APA states that you do not need to include the database name or
URL. However, if a DOI is listed for the article, include the DOI.)
Journal article, republished in English from another language, DOI
Piaget, J. (1972). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood (J. Bliss & H. Furth,
Trans.). Human Development
, 15
(1), 1-12. (Original
work published 1970)
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication year). Title of article (Translator1's First Initial. Middle
Initial. Translator1's Last name & Translator2's First Initial. Middle Initial. Translator2's Last name,
Trans.). Title of Journal, Volume #
(issue number
if available), pages if available. Article DOI if available
(Original work publication date)
(To cite an article republished in English from another language, use Citation Maker to create a citation for the
periodical article. After you save the citation to your reference list, add the information about the translator(s) and
the date of the original publication, if given.)
APA Citation Examples (
Journal article, republished in a book
Spilka, M. (1982). Of George and Lennie and Curley’s wife: Sweet violence in Steinbeck’s
Eden. In D. Smith (Ed.), Contemporary literary criticism
(Vol. 104, pp. 430-44). Gale.
(Reprinted from “Of George and Lennie and Curley’s wife: Sweet violence in
Steinbeck’s Eden,” 1974, Modern Fiction Studies, 20
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Publication date of book). Title of article. In Editor’s First Initial.
Middle Initial. Editor’s Last Name (Ed.), Title of book
(Volume #, pages). Publisher. (Reprinted from “Title
of journal article,” publication year, Title of Journal
, Volume #
[issue number
if available], pages)
(To cite a journal article republished in a book, use the Book template / Part of a Book option on Citation Maker to
create a citation for the book. After you save the citation to your reference list, add the information about the journal
in parentheses. Start with this phrase: Reprinted from. Note that the issue number is in brackets instead of
parentheses to avoid double parentheses. Do not end the information within the parentheses or the citation itself with
a period.) 
APA Citation Examples (