Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
APA Citation Style
A guide from the Landmark College Library, updated for the 7
edition (©2020)
American Psychological Association’s Style of citing sources
Usually used in social and behavioral sciences papers (such as psychology papers)
Explained fully in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7
(You can ask for this manual at the Front Desk for use in the library.)
References List ...............................................................................................................................................2
Indenting ........................................................................................................................................................2
Books ..............................................................................................................................................................3
Basic Format for Books ..............................................................................................................................3
One Author .................................................................................................................................................3
Two Authors, Other Than First Edition ......................................................................................................3
Three Authors ............................................................................................................................................3
DSM-5-TR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5
ed., Text Revision .......................3
Essay or Chapter in an Edited Book (3 versions) ........................................................................................4
Book authored by a group or organization ................................................................................................4
eBook from eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)...............................................................................4
eBook from Kindle ......................................................................................................................................5
Audiobook (released in a different year than the text version) ................................................................5
Audiobook (Originating from a non-database URL) ..................................................................................5
Online Dictionary or Thesaurus .................................................................................................................5
Encyclopedia Entry, Print ...........................................................................................................................5
Encyclopedia Entry, Online ........................................................................................................................6
Periodicals ......................................................................................................................................................6
What’s the difference between magazines and journals? ........................................................................6
Basic Format for Periodical Articles ...........................................................................................................6
Magazine Article, Online ............................................................................................................................6
Magazine Article, Print ...............................................................................................................................6
Journal Article Published Online Ahead of Print ........................................................................................7
Newspaper Article Found on the Newspaper’s Website ...........................................................................7
Newspaper Article, Anonymous Author ....................................................................................................7
Articles from Online Databases......................................................................................................................7
Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article from an Online Database .........................................................7
Basic Format for an Online Database Article .............................................................................................7
CQ Researcher Articles ...................................................................................................................................8
Blog Post .........................................................................................................................................................8
Social Media ...................................................................................................................................................8
Websites & Webpages ...................................................................................................................................8
Entire Websites ..........................................................................................................................................9
Webpage: Basic Format .............................................................................................................................9
Webpage, Group or Organization ..............................................................................................................9
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Webpage, No Date .....................................................................................................................................9
Webpage, News Website ...........................................................................................................................9
Technical & Research Reports ...................................................................................................................9
Email & Other Personal Communications................................................................................................10
Videos and Audio .........................................................................................................................................10
YouTube (or other video website) Video .................................................................................................10
Film or Video ............................................................................................................................................10
Podcast Episode .......................................................................................................................................10
Images/Visual Works ....................................................................................................................................10
Photograph ...............................................................................................................................................10
Artwork ....................................................................................................................................................11
ChatGPT ........................................................................................................................................................11
In-Text ......................................................................................................................................................11
Appendix recommendation .....................................................................................................................11
Same Author, Different Works .....................................................................................................................11
In-Text Citations ...........................................................................................................................................12
Paraphrasing ............................................................................................................................................12
How to Paraphrase ...................................................................................................................................12
One Author ...............................................................................................................................................12
Two Authors .............................................................................................................................................12
Three to Five Authors ...............................................................................................................................12
How to cite a source that is cited in your source .....................................................................................13
Quoting .........................................................................................................................................................13
How to quote a source directly: ...............................................................................................................13
In-Text Citations for Quotes from Sources Without Page Numbers .......................................................13
For Quotes Longer than 40 Words, Use a Block Quotation: ....................................................................14
How to indent a long quote: ....................................................................................................................14
How to quote a source more than once within a paragraph: .................................................................15
References List
A References List is the list of the sources you used to write your paper. Place this list at the end of your
paper on its own page(s), and before any tables, figures, or appendices.
Title your list References.
List your sources alphabetically by author.
Double-space your References list.
Indent the second and subsequent lines of each citation. Use a hanging indent to indent this way.
Here’s how:
1. Highlight your citations.
2. Click on the bottom triangle (not the rectangle!) of the ruler near the top of the screen.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
3. Drag the bottom triangle to the half-inch mark (see below):
OR, even quicker! (in PC/Windows)
1. Highlight all your citations.
2. Ctrl + Tab (the Control key and the T key together)
Basic Format for Books
Author’s Last name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Publisher.
One Author
Kriss, A. (2020). The gaming mind: A new psychology of videogames and the power of play. The
Two Authors, Other Than First Edition
Lerner, J. W., & John, B. H. (2015). Learning disabilities and related disabilities: Strategies for success.
ed.). Cengage Learning.
Three Authors
Curington, C. V., Lundquist, J. H., & Lin, K. H. (2021). The dating divide: Race and desire in the era of
online romance. University of California Press.
DSM-5-TR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5
ed., Text Revision
American Psychiatric Association (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.
Text Rev.).
Note: Even if you consult the print version of the DSM, you should provide the DOI address because it
has one. Don’t want to copy the above URL? Then Google “dsm-5-tr doi” and copy the DOI there.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Essay or Chapter in an Edited Book (3 versions)
1. For essays published for the first time:
Essay Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year). Essay title. In Editor’s First Initial Last Name (Ed.), Book title
(pp. # - #). Publisher Name. DOI or URL
Akins, E. (2021). Navigating the education system with an ADHD girl: How to square the circle. In J. Steer
(Ed.), Understanding ADHD in girls and women (pp. 133-172). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
2. For essays reprinted from a journal article (e.g., essays in an anthology):
Essay Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of book). Essay title as the book names it, not as the original
source names it. In Editor’s First Initial Last Name (Ed.), Book title (pp. # - #). Publisher Name.
(Reprinted from Name of Journal, Year, Volume#, pp. #-#, DOI)
Milgram, S. (2007). The perils of obedience. In W. F. Schulz (Ed.), The phenomenon of torture: Readings
and commentary (pp. 110-119). Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. (Reprinted
from Harper’s, December 6, 1973, 246, 62-66, 75-77.)
3. For essays reprinted from another book (e.g., essays in an anthology):
Essay Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year of book). Essay title as the book names it, not as the original
source names it. In Editor’s First Initial Last Name (Ed.), Book title (pp. # - #). Publisher Name.
(Reprinted from Book Title: Subtitle, pp. #-#, by First Initial. Last Name, Year, Publisher Name.)
Jung, C. G. (1991). Forerunners of the idea of synchronicity. In V. S. De Laszlo (Ed.), Psyche and symbol
(pp. 277-296). Princeton University Press. (Reprinted from The interpretation of nature and the
psyche, pp. 485-519, by C. G. Jung, 1955, Bollingen Foundation.)
Special Note about In-Text Citations for Reprinted Essays:
Cite both years in your in-text citations, like this (Last Name, newest year/oldest year):
(Milgram, 2021/1973)
Book authored by a group or organization
Name of group or organization. (Date). Book title (edition). Publisher name. DOI if available.
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5
Note: If the organization and publisher are the same, omit the publisher.
eBook from eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost)
Wagoner, B. (2020). Where culture and mind meet: Principles for a dynamic cultural psychology.
Information Age Publishing.
Note: An ebook from an academic database that does not include a DOI is cited the same as a print
book. Do not include the URL or permalink.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
eBook from Kindle
Authors Last name. First Initial. (Year). Book title. Publisher Name. URL, if available.
Note: An ebook on a Kindle is cited the same as a print book, unless a URL is available. It is not necessary
to include format, platform, or device.
Silberman, S. (2015). Neurotribes: The legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity. Avery.
Audiobook (released in a different year than the text version)
Authors Last name. First Initial. (Year). Book title [Audiobook]. Place: Publisher. (Original work published
Prizant, B. M. (2022). Uniquely human: A different way of seeing autism (B. M. Prizant,
Narr.) [Audiobook]. Simon & Schuster Audio. (Original work published 2015)
Note: For audiobooks, it is not necessary to include narrator and audiobook notation, except when it is a
republished work (i.e., the year of the print version and audio version differ, such as in the example
above) or if you quote from the audiobook.
Audiobook (Originating from a non-database URL)
Authors Last name, First Initial. (Year). Book title (Narrator First Initial. Last Name, Narr.) [Audiobook].
Publisher. URL of streaming audio provider
Bakan, M. (2018). Speaking for ourselves: Conversations on life, music, and autism. Tantor Audio.
Note: For audiobooks, it is not necessary to include narrator and audiobook notation, except when it is a
republished work (i.e., the year of the print version and audio version differ) or if you quote from the
audiobook. The example above includes neither.
Online Dictionary or Thesaurus
Author, Editor, or Organization name. (Year or n.d. for “no date”). Title of dictionary or thesaurus.
Retrieved Month Day, Year, from URL
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). dictionary. Retrieved February 17, 2022, from
Encyclopedia Entry, Print
Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year). Article title. In Editor’s First Initial Last Name (Ed.), Encyclopedia
title (# ed., Vol. #, pp. # - #). Publisher Name.
If no author is given for the entry, place the entry title in the author position.
You do not need to include an edition statement if the encyclopedia is a first edition; otherwise
write editions like “2
ed.” or “Rev. ed.”
Melznack, R. (2015). Cultural hegemony. In S. Thompson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity and social justice
(Vol. 1, pp. 184-186). Roman and Littlefield.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Encyclopedia Entry, Online
Author’s Last name, First Initial. (Year). Article title. In Editor’s First Initial Last Name (Ed.), Encyclopedia
title (# ed.). Publisher. URL
Use the entry URL for online encyclopedias everyone can access on the open Web.
Use a permalink URL for subscription online encyclopedias, such as from your library.
Transgender access to bathrooms. (2018). In M. Issitt (Ed.), Gender: Roles & rights. Salem Press.
What’s the difference between magazines and journals?
Glossy cover and pages
Includes advertisements
Many photos and graphics
Easier to read
Catchy, even sensational article titles
Of general interest (Time), trade or
technical interest (Popular Mechanics),
business interest (Forbes), or political
interest (The Nation)
Duller cover and pages
Few or no advertisements
Few or no photos and graphics
Harder to read (more jargon)
Informative article titles
Of scholarly interest for members of a
specific professional field
Typically include citations
Basic Format for Periodical Articles
Last name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper
Title, Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers. DOI or URL
Note: When information (e.g., volume number, issue number, page range) is missing, omit it from the
Magazine Article, Online
Weatherford, C. B. (2021, March 17). More Than a Footnote: Challenges for BIPOC Nonfiction Authors.
The Horn Book Magazine.
Magazine Article, Print
Cooper, C. (2021, November/December). Trans Triumph. The Advocate. (118), 7-8.
Journal Article
New to the 7
ed. of APA Style: Always include the issue number.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Villares, E., Starrett, A., & Limberg, D. (2022). Exploring school counseling during the first wave of COVID-
19. Journal of Counseling & Development, 100(4), 386-398.
Journal Article Published Online Ahead of Print
Mallipeddi, N. V., & VanDaalen, R. A. (2021). Intersectionality within critical autism studies: A narrative
review. Autism in Adulthood. Advance online publication.
Newspaper Article Found on the Newspaper’s Website
Moyer, M. W. (2022, October 6). Hang-xiety? How a night of drinking can tank your mood. The New York
Newspaper Article, Anonymous Author
(Use p. or pp. for page numbers of print newspaper articles, or list the URL for online articles.)
Religious leaders protest House immigration bill. (2006, April 11). The Keene Sentinel, p. 2.
Articles from Online Databases
Journal, Magazine, or Newspaper Article from an Online Database
Basic Format for an Online Database Article
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title.
Magazine/Journal/Newspaper Title, Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers. DOI or URL
Nankervis, M. (2022). Diversity in romance novels: Race, sexuality, neurodivergence, disability, and fat
representation. Publishing Research Quarterly, 38(2), 349363.
A Note about APA Citations Created by Databases:
Many databases provide APA-style citations for you.
Look for words like “Citation” or “Cite” near options to print and save.
Caution! Database-generated citations may have flaws:
Most databases capitalize every word, even prepositions like “of.”
Sometimes citations are missing information, such as issue or page numbers.
Basic Format for an Online Database Article Abstract
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Magazine/Journal/Newspaper Title,
Volume number(Issue number), Page numbers. [Abstract] DOI
Wood-Downie, H., Wong, B., Kovshoff, H., Mandy, W., Hull, L., & Hadwin, J. A. (2021). Sex/gender
differences in camouflaging in children and adolescents with autism. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disorders, 51(4), 13531364. [Abstract]
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
CQ Researcher Articles
Articles from the online version of the CQ Researcher are cited as if they are an online version of a
magazine article. You can access the full citation of the article by simply clicking the Cite Now button at
the top of the first page.
The citation will appear in a separate window from which you may copy and paste the citation directly
into your bibliography.
If you prefer to construct the citation on your own, here’s how:
Basic Format for a CQ Researcher Article (Online version)
Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title. CQ Researcher, Volume number, Page numbers.
Terry, R. (2022, January 21). Teaching about racism. CQ researcher, 32, 1-33.
Blog Post
Basic Format for a blog post
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Article title. Title of blog. URL
Boheler, G. (2022, May 3). The idealized norm: The systemic impact of ableism on human service fields.
RDs for Neurodiversity.
Social Media
Basic format for Twitter and Instagram
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (@username). (Year, Month Day). Content of the post up to the first 20
words or Description of audiovisual. [Description of audiovisual]. [Format]. Social media site
name. URL
Bustillos, M. (@mariabustillos). (2022, September 20). We are living in the age of literary sequels, says
Jason Adam Katzenstein. [Image with link attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
Basic format for Facebook and others
Author’s Last Name, First Initial or Name of Group. (Year, Month Day). Content of the post up to the first
20 words [Description of audiovisual]. Social media site name. URL
American Library Association. (2022, September 20). It continues to put students behind when they don't
have source materials that can actually tell them who they are...[Video link attached]. Facebook.
Websites & Webpages
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Entire Websites
To cite an entire website, include its name and URL in the text of your paper. Enclose the URL in
parentheses. Websites should not be included in the references list at the end of a paper.
Webpage: Basic Format
Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day page was last updated). Title of work. Website Name.
Author: Look at the top and bottom of the page to see if an author is listed. If no author is listed,
use the group or organization responsible for the page. If there is no author or group listed, start
the citation with the title of the page, followed by the date.
Date: Look at the top and bottom of the page for a date. If none is listed, list the date as (n.d.).
If just a year is listed, list only the year.
Ascher, M., & Ascher, L. (2022, June 3). 5 tips for law students with adult ADHD. Psychology Today.
Webpage, Group or Organization
Group or organization name. (Year, Month Day web page was last updated). Title of page. URL
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, August 9). What is ADHD?
Webpage, No Date
Author last name, First initial. (n.d.) Title of page. Website Name. URL
Tjornehoj, T. (n.d.). The relationship between anxiety and depression. Hartgrove Hospital.
Webpage, News Website
Use this format for sources found in online news sources (e.g., CNN, BBC, Reuters), not for articles found
in online magazines and newspapers (e.g., New York Times, The Nation).
Asmelash, L. (2021, July 26). How Black Lives Matter went from a hashtag to a global rallying cry. CNN.
Technical & Research Reports
Author's last name, First Initials OR Name of Group. (Year, Month Day). Title of report (Report No. xxx).
Publisher Name. URL or DOI
U.S. Department of Education (2022). Report on the condition of education 2022 (NCES 2022-144).
National Center for Education Statistics.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Email & Other Personal Communications
Personal communications can include email, private letters, personal interviews, and telephone
Since they dont provide information that readers can find for themselves, they are not included in the
references list.
In the in-text citation, list the communicator's first initials and last name, the phrase personal
communicationsand the exact date.
Do not cite in the references list.
In-text citation examples
In narrative:
S. R. Narayan (personal communication, March 19, 2017)
In parentheticals:
(S. R. Narayan, personal communication, March 19, 2017)
Videos and Audio
YouTube (or other video website) Video
Group or (if known) Uploader’s last name, First Initial. [username if different from listed uploader].
(Year, month day of upload). Title of video [Description of media type]. Publisher. URL
Library of Congress. (2022, Sept. 29). Live! at the library: U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón opening reading
[Video]. YouTube.
Film or Video
Director’s Last Name, First Initial (Director) (If director is unknown, use person of equivalent position like
producer). (Year). Video title [Film; additional format information if necessary]. Production
Company. URL (if video is online).
Jenkins, B. (Director). (2016). Moonlight [Film]. A24; Plan B Entertainment; Pastel Productions.
Podcast Episode
Host’s Last Name, First Initial, (Host). (Date Episode was Released). Episode Title (No. xx, if podcast
provides episode numbers) [Description of audio or video podcast]. In Podcast Name. Production
company if applicable. URL if applicable.
James, B., & Kulwin, N. (Hosts). (2022, July 24). Stop Me Before I Kill Again (Season 3, Episode 1)
[Audio podcast episode]. In Blowback.
Images/Visual Works
Photographer Last name, First Initial. (Year image was created). Title of work [Type of work]. Source of
Photograph. URL
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Lawrence, W. (2021, May 26). A dance by the water [Photograph]. National Geographic.
Artist Last name, First Initial. (Year or Years image was created). Title of work [Type of work]. Name of
Museum art is displayed, Museum Location. URL if applicable
Unknown Dan Artist. (19
century). Ceremonial ladle (wakemia or Wunkirmian) [Wood
Carving]. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, New York, United States.*&offset=0&rpp=
If you can only find the screen name of an author (such as a photographer on Flickr), that will do
as the authors name.
If the image is untitled, provide a description in square brackets instead.
For artwork not in museums, follow same formatting but replace museum with otherwise
applicable publisher or source.
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Jul 20 version) [Large language model].
When prompted with “Does being female afford protection from developmental disabilities?” ChatGPT
responded that the higher rate of autism diagnosis in individuals assigned female at birth “has led to
investigations into potential protective factors in females against ASD, but the underlying reasons are
not fully understood” (OpenAI, 2023).
Appendix recommendation
APA recommends listing the full text of ChatGPT’s responses as appendices. If you do so, the in-text
citation would be:
(OpenAI, 2023, see Appendix A for the full transcript).
Same Author, Different Works
List in chronological order, oldest source first. If both sources are from the same year, list them in
alphabetical order by title. Add a letter (e.g. 2022a 2022b) to distinguish same-year sources.
Barkley, R. A. (2006). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A clinical workbook (3
ed.). New York:
Guilford Press.
Barkley, R. A. (2008). ADHD in adults: What the science says. New York: Guilford Press.
Barkley, R. A. (2014a). Defiant teens: A clinician’s manual for assessment and family intervention (2
ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
Barkley, R. A. (2014b). Your defiant teen: 10 steps to resolve conflict and rebuild your relationship (2
ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
In-Text Citations
How to Paraphrase
Cite only the last name of the author (or if the source is not by an author or authors, cite the
organization, institution, or company responsible).
Cite the year of the source.
Within a paragraph, the second (or third, etc.) time you cite a source, don’t list the date. Do
include the date in every parenthetical.
While it is required to cite the page number for books and multipage articles whenever quoting
directly, when paraphrasing it is not required to provide the page number. Page numbers can
be very useful, however, for both you and your audience.
It is recommended to use past tense to explain what an author did: (studied something; found
something, etc.) or the present perfect tense: (has studied something; has found something,
One Author
Smith (2006) studied how racism affects biracial college students (p. 62).
In a recent study of racism, biracial college students reported receiving prejudice from both racial groups
to which they belonged (Smith, 2006, p. 62).
Two Authors
Jones and Rogers (2006, p. 123) found that stress can adversely affect sleep.
Stress can adversely affect sleep (Jones & Rogers, 2006, p. 123).
Three to Five Authors
Miller et al. (2006, p. 56) hypothesized that student expectations prior to enrollment would strongly
influence their experiences of college life.
In an experiment to examine the impact of expectations on the experiences of first-year college
students, researchers compared institution characteristics and student background characteristics with
expectations of campus activities and the campus environment (Miller et al., 2006, p. 52-53).
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
How to cite a source that is cited in your source
You’ve read and are citing Author A.
Author A cites Author B.
You haven’t read Author B, but you still need to cite Author B.
Here’s what you do:
1. List Author A (who you read) in the References List. Don’t list Author B there.
2. In your text, use the following citation:
Author B’s study (as cited in Author A, Year) or (Author B, Year, as cited in Author A, Year)
Find, Read, and cite Author B as its own source (the preferred option, according to APA).
While APA recommends paraphrasing over direct quotations when possible, as you are able to add more
additional context or include it in your own style, there are times where you will need to use direct
quotations and it is important to know how to do so to avoid potential plagiarism.
How to quote a source directly:
Cite only the last name of the author or if it doesn’t have a listed author, cite the name of the
organization, institution, or company responsible for the quote source.
Cite the year of the source.
Cite the page numbers, with a p. for a single page or pp. for multiple pages, which you should
separate with a hyphen (e.g., pp. 1-2), or with a comma for multiple non-consecutive pages (e.g.,
1, 3) after the date.
If there is not an exact page number, provide a different way of indicating location, such as
section name or paragraph number.
If your quote contains a quote, use single quotation marks (‘like this’) around the shorter quote.
Quoting Example:
Although some academics heavily disagree that self-plagiarism is even a real thing, Eaton (2021) makes
the point that “we are not talking about stealing from oneself, but rather deceiving those who give us
credit for our work(p. 101).
In-Text Citations for Quotes from Sources Without Page Numbers
As mentioned above, for sources without page numbers, using the paragraph number can be a way to
provide a citation of where a quote comes from. Additionally, if the source has heading or section
names, you can site those as well. You can also combine paragraph number and heading number for
greatest level of specificity. This is especially useful for online resources. For quotes from audiovisual
works, use the time stamp for when the section of the audio or video starts in place of the page number.
Parenthetical Example:
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
(Author’s Last Name or Group, Year, Name of section, para. #).
(Ures, 2021, New Hollywood’s Last Stand section, para. 2).
In-narrative Example:
Author’s Last Name or Group (Year, Name of section, para. #).
In their online information booklet, Panic Disorder, a Real Illness, the National Institutes of Mental
Health state that the disorder usually starts between the ages of 18 and 24 (2006, When Does Panic
Disorder Start? section, para. 1).
Note: When section headings or webpage titles are too lengthy to cite in full, shortening them is
preferred. The original heading title for the above example was “When does panic disorder start and
how long does it last?”
For Quotes Longer than 40 Words, Use a Block Quotation:
Start the quote on a new line.
Indent the entire quote by a ½ of an inch (see below for instructions).
Don’t use quotation marks.
Double-space the quote (just like the rest of the paper).
Use brackets enclosing ellipses […] to represent omitted text.
If your quote contains a quote, use double quotation marks (like this) around the shorter
Place the last period before the in-text citation (the opposite of what you do for shorter quotes).
Long Quote Example
Elder and Paul (2006) explain the difference between absolutists and relativists:
Some people, dogmatic absolutists, try to reduce all questions to matters of fact. They think that
every question has one and only one correct answer. Others, subjective relativists, try to reduce
all questions to matters of subjective opinion. They think that no question has correct or
incorrect answers but that all questions whatsoever are matters of opinion […] Neither absolutist
nor relativist leaves room for what is crucial to success in human life: matters of reasoned
judgment. (p. 10)
How to indent a long quote:
1. Highlight the entire quote.
2. Click on the bottom rectangle (highlighted below) on the ruler near the top of the screen.
Landmark College Library Revised July 2023
3. Drag the bottom rectangle to the half-inch mark (see below):
How to quote a source more than once within a paragraph:
The first time you quote a source in a paragraph, follow the examples above.
The second and subsequent times you quote that source within the same paragraph, only
include the page number in parentheses. (You don’t need the name and year.)
It can be helpful to sort questions into categories when analyzing virtually any issue. Elder and
Paul (2006) offer three categories: “Questions of Procedure,” “Questions of Preference,and “Questions
of Judgment(p. 9). Questions of Procedure are generally unarguable and call for fact or definition, such
as “How many democratic administrations have there been in the U.S. since 1829?or “What is a
coalition government?” The answers to Questions of Preference are open-ended and as varied as
individual values, such asHow would I live differently if I took the ideas of this author seriously?” (p.
37). Questions of Judgment require reasoning, but with more than one arguable answer” or “the best
answer within a range of possibilities” (p. 9). An example from the field of political science is: Is
democracy the best form of governance?This latter category of questions is most challenging, as it calls
for the intellectual virtues of dispositions of humility, courage, empathy, integrity, perseverance,
confidence in reason, and autonomy (pp. 43-44).