FINASTRA Factsheet 1
The Advanced System for Corporate Banking -
Streamlined, Optimized Core Banking
Fusion Midas helps banks streamline and optimise their back-
office operations to become more efficient. Fusion Midas
puts your bank at the heart of your customers’ finances and
enables you to become the bank of choice.
Be more customer-relevant
Offer your corporate clients the best
services to meet their expanding needs.
By providing real-time views of cash
positions, you will empower your
customers to maximise working capital and
become more protable.
Rapid entry to new
geographical markets
Enter new markets with global processing.
By adding a new processing zone to the
global or regional hub, rather than having
to install a complete new system, you can
enter new markets quickly and easily.
Increased eciency and scalability
Process a range of transactions and
accounts in real- time, from data capture
and validation through to the generation
of settlement messages and accounting
entries. Fusion Midas incorporates industry
standards and high levels of automation
to increase eciency and handle growing
volumes as your business expands.
Unparalleled breadth of functionality
Benet from comprehensive instrument
and product coverage within a single core
banking system, including: current accounts,
cash management, loans, capital markets,
treasury instruments, trade nance products
and clean payments. Fusion Midas offers full
lifecycle processing for all transactions, and
enables you to enter new business areas or
increase participation in existing markets
from the same platform.
A componentised approach
Achieve total integration with a broad
portfolio of Fusion solutions, designed to
maximise the return on your investment.
Fusion Midas integrates with Fusion Digital
Channels and with Fusion Trade Innovation
and Fusion Risk solutions.
Fusion Midas opens up the
versatility of the system and the
possibility to grow in terms of
functional coverage..
A Global Private Bank
2 FINASTRA Factsheet
Today, treasurers expect a superior level
of service from their banking partners.
They require real-time views of cash,
exposures, assets and liabilities. And they
need this information on mobile devices.
Fusion Midas is a proven corporate
banking system that delivers this and
more. It builds on over 40 years of market
experience and development, so no other
corporate banking system comes close to
its functional richness.
Banks running on Fusion Midas can offer
the most sophisticated banking services
to their corporate clients. In tandem,
providing multinational corporates with
accurate global views of cash helps make
their customers more protable, and in
turn the banks can stay ahead of their own
competition. More than 100 banks around
the world rely on Fusion Midas. They have
the security of knowing that their business
will run smoothly and reliably, with no
systems outage.
Syndicated, bilateral commercial loans
With comprehensive analytics, it allows
you to report the exposure, income and
risks, associated with both agent and
lender functions. Fusion Midas supports
complex multi-level lending structures and
includes automated ‘past-due’ repayment
with balance checking pre-settlement, and
full collateral management.
Comprehensive corporate cash
management services
Benet from real-time processing
across all channels. Cash management
includes notional pooling, sweeping and
target balancing.
A single solution for trade nance
Streamline your entire trade nance
process to improve operational eciency
with a exible and multicurrency solution.
With automated processing of traditional
trade documents, such as letters of credit
and guarantees, you can process lines of
credit more quickly, improve transparency
to customers and offer superior service
level agreements.
The solution offers:
Full integration with Fusion Trade
Common technology across trade
Unied data maintenance, position
management and accounting
Full straight-through processing
Automate the back-oce activities of the
treasury and capital markets operation,
from transaction capture and validation,
conrmation and settlement, through
to lifecycle management, accounting
and reporting.
Proprietary and interbank trading
Trade in a comprehensive range of nancial
instruments, including:
FX and MM
Financial Futures
Exchange-Traded and OTC Options
Capital Markets
Fusion Midas is the most functionally rich core banking
system available, addressing the most complex business
needs of even the most complex conglomerates.
Stay Ahead of the Competition
FINASTRA Factsheet 3
Retail services
Automated processing of retail transactions.
Choose from a wide range of functionality,
including balance checking, real-time
updates, bank-dened interest and charges
and the production of statements, advices
and other items of correspondence.
Fusion Midas also includes an integrated
teller function to initiate transactions, resolve
customer enquiries and manage teller and
vault totals.
Centralise and consolidate
You can benet from scale by
consolidating IT operations globally, or
on a regional hub. Branches or groups of
branches can run on a single Fusion Midas
environment, signicantly reducing costs.
Automated settlement conrmation
and payments
Gain a step-change improvement in
processing for most types of transactions,
through external networks or internally
managed accounts. Fusion Midas
supports a broad range of clean payments,
including incoming payments from
correspondent banks, typically received
through SWIFT, or from domestic banks
through local clearing systems. Straight-
through processing is further enhanced
using SWIFT directory services to
validate and convert data. Fusion Midas
is fully Continuous Linked Settlement
(CLS) compliant.
Standard and user-dened reports
Choose from an extensive range of standard
operational reports with the option to produce
user-dened reports to meet specic bank
or local regulatory requirements. The Fusion
Midas Optical Reporting Facility is a powerful
archiving and report mining tool, which
enables all reports to be archived intelligently,
while bank-dened ‘List Views’ provide bank
structured enquiries where data can be
grouped, sorted and ltered, with drill-down to
detail, with print and export capabilities.
Changing legislation and
market practice
Keep up to date with changes in legislation
and market practice. As well as providing
standard bank audit reports, Fusion Midas
is regularly upgraded to help you comply
with emerging legislation. You can also
monitor suspicious activity and set up
watch lists.
With a single database, you will achieve
an enterprise-wide view of management
information, while retaining the exibility
to comply with local market practice
and regulations. Global processing
makes it easier to enter new markets by
implementing a regional hub – rather than
having to install a complete new system.
Control credit risk and exposure
Choose from a range of tools to measure,
report and control customer risk, and
improve internal control using tiered
authorisation limits and real-time credit
exposure reporting at capture and all
authorisation steps.
Technology has become a key driver of commercial
success. Fusion Midas offers unparalleled functional
richness for all aspects of corporate banking.
Past due
Financial Guarantees
Standing orders
Direct debits
Credit transfers
Foreign exchange
Money markets
Import/export LCs
Trade guarantees
Corporate actions
Interest sales
Balance management
Overdraft control
National pooling
Messaging routing
Domestic clearing
Nostro management
CLS and FX netting
Credit lines
Pre-defined APIs
Interface toolkit
Integration framework
Basel III
IAS 39
Audit exception reporting
Transaction posting
Financial accounting
Management accounting
Manual postings
Non-financial accounting
Business intelligence
Regulatory reporting
User access control
Audit/exception reporting
2/4/6 eyes authentication
Database integrity
Fusion Midas consolidates hundreds of functions into a single back oce,
using a single database.
About Finastra
Finastra unlocks the potential of people and businesses in fi nance, creating a platform for open innovation. Formed in 2017
by the combination of Misys and D+H, we provide the broadest portfolio of fi nancial services software in the world today –spanning
retail banking, transaction banking, lending, and treasury and capital markets. Our solutions enable customers to
deploy mission critical technology on premises or in the cloud. Our scale and geographical reach means that we can serve
customers effectively, regardless of their size or geographic location – from global fi nancial institutions, to community banks
and credit unions. Through our open, secure and reliable solutions, customers are empowered to accelerate growth, optimize cost,
mitigate risk and continually evolve to meet the changing needs of their customers. 48 of the world’s top 50 banks use Finastra
technology. Please visit
Finastra and the Finastra ‘ribbon’ mark are trademarks of the Finastra group companies.
© 2018 Finastra. All rights reserved.
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120 Bremner Boulevard
30th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 0A8
T: +1 888 850 6656
GL 1034 / 0618
Full multi-entity processing
You can meet the most sophisticated
accounting requirements with multiple
divisions or branches. Fusion Midas
provides accounting reporting at
department, customer and product level.
Flexible customisation and integration
External developer framework and user
dened elds allow banks to develop their
own customisation of screens and new
elds. A wide range of rich Application
Program Interfaces (APIs) enable
integration of key satellite systems the
bank may be running.
An independent global bank, Banco Finantia
has more than 20 years’ experience in key
market niches, including investment banking,
private banking and specialised nance.
Private banking and specialised nance
activities are centred in the Iberian Peninsula,
while investment banking serves the Iberian
Peninsula, Latin America and the Turkish,
Russian and CIS markets.
Banco Finantia wanted to extend its market
reach and modernise its customer service
offerings. A large software environment, with
relatively little integration between business
areas prevented the bank from developing
these new opportunities cost-effectively.
The bank chose to consolidate on Fusion
Midas for back-oce eciency and to create a
platform for growth.
Fusion Midas enables Banco Finantia to
expand its customer offerings rapidly and cost-
effectively, exactly as the market demands.
Fusion Midas Enables Banco Finantia to Extend
and Modernise Cost-Effectively
Sample Fusion Midas enquiry screen